Do we deserve your vote?
We are very happy & proud to announce that Panel Graphic have been nominated for the Norfolk Business Awards 2020 in the category:
This is a massive pat on the back to be nominated for this award & we thank anyone who may have put us forward. The nominations will be put forward for a public vote from the 9th – 30th September.
Feel free to read the EDP article about the awards.
You may be aware that Panel Graphic is a family-owned business that designs and manufactures a specialist range of plastic components for luxury automotive brands such as, Bentley, Lotus and Porsche. However, during the COVID-19 outbreak we devoted ourselves to supplying expertly designed face shields for the NHS. Samples were delivered to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital and the East Anglian Air Ambulance.
The next day we began receiving orders, thousands at a time to be specific! Initially we were slightly concerned on how we were going to meet this demand! But we powered on! The first step of the operation was reorganising our factory, we had to ensure that it complied to government guidelines. Therefore, we implemented social distancing and a one-way system around our building.
Owner Steve and his wife Tracey hurried to St. Albans to obtain large amounts of the correct material, in order to meet the supply demands of the new face shields. All staff were invited to a socially distanced meeting in the Panel Graphic car park and informed of the crucial project. All staff members decided to pitch in and make the project possible.
All Panel Graphic staff and 160 volunteers put on their PPE and got to work! An entire supply chain was built overnight! Several companies provided their support in the form of, headbands, fixings and vehicles for deliveries!
Between April and May we managed to produce 250,000 visors for the NHS in Norfolk and Suffolk. “We provided everything at a cut-price for all NHS workers” – Steve Earl. Panel Graphic was fortunate enough to receive donations from the public. However, not a single penny was put back into the business. Instead the donations were used to purchase a static caravan to offer free holidays to NHS workers. As a result, of our dedication to supporting the NHS, we have been nominated for the, Changing Lives Special Recognition Award. Between the 9th – 30th September the voting system goes live! We would be extremely grateful if you would consider voting for us.
Thank you for your continued encouragement and support throughout the uncertain times. Stay safe and well, from all at Panel Graphic.

About the award:
The award will recognise those who have adapted and have put the community first in the fight against Covid-19. This award is open to those who are thinking differently and have halted their normality to help others during this crisis. They will have demonstrated innovation and re-purposing of their services for the greater good and not for profitability.
Nominations will be accepted from individuals, teams, businesses and organisations from the Norfolk Business community. Nominations will then be put forward for a public vote after the entry process closes. Following the public vote, a panel of judges will then select the finalists and overall recipient of the award after completing judging meetings.
The public vote will take place from 9 – 30 September, all businesses taking part will be provided with marketing materials in advance.